(Happy Anniversary Kate!
Hope you don't mind that I parted with your reception centerpieces on your 7th anniversary!) |
It's been quite a summer. As you may have noticed, my posts have been few and far between! Life has been BUSY!
One of this summer's accomplishments was holding a garage sale with my sister last weekend. Friday & Saturday, hot weather, a sore knee, fun visiting with sis and the shoppers, but too much work!! Next time, we'll just box everything up and donate it to charity (and take the tax write off!).
My work is on the school schedule, so summer is when I try to get caught up on all the things I don't get done when I'm teaching. And I try to get creative too. But with moving and remodeling, I haven't had time for either! (Does changing my mind THREE times about paint color for an accent wall in the family room, after the wall was painted, count as creative, or just silly? I know creativity is often not a straight line, but really....and I won't tell you about the other rooms that got more than two coats of paint 'cuz I changed my mind..)
And can I just say it's hard to part with STUFF when you can ALWAYS come up with a creative use for whatever it is you're saving??
I even had a hard time parting with the old encyclopedia...so many memoires of family dinners, when one of the kids would ask a casual question that needed an answer. I'd grab a volume, and we'd read what the World Book had to say... (now when we're together, someone just grabs their phone and we Google it.)
And even if I never used these gilded books as a reference again, I considered keeping them to use the pages in some art piece. (There is an artist whose name I can't remember who glues the books together and then carves them...one piece I recall was an encyclopedia carved into the Grand Canyon, with all of the pages looking like the layers of rock...very beautiful and yet disturbing on a certain level too.)
But a friend who doesn't have a computer was glad to take the set off my hands, and my price of FREE made us both very happy!
Make it a Wonderful Day!