Monday, August 17, 2009

A Give-Away!

Well, this is not the usual blog giveaway... Because you'll be doing the giving right along with me! This is your chance to clean out your stash and help people at the same time.
I read about Iraq Bundles of Love, and I know you'll want to be part of this! A US soldier is collecting bundles of fabric and other sewing supplies to leave with the people of Iraq. If you have any fabric, buttons, thread, or other useful materials, you can be sure they will be put to use, and will help to build peace and goodwill as well.
Here's the link to learn more:

The deadline is September 7th, so no time to waste! Our quilt group is participating-let me know if you can too!

" is something if you give it away, give it away, you'll end up having more..."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great idea! I don't have extra sewing supplies sitting around, but I love the idea of giving to the people of Iraq. Peace!
