Friday, January 25, 2013

Jared's Quilt

This is a big quilt. It just kept getting bigger. Originally, it was going to be a low-volume quilt, all in mid-tone grays. But I had to add a bit of the butterscotch browns and a few darker black/grays too. And so the quilt kept growing!

I made this for one of my sons for Christmas. I did want his quilt to be big enough to share with his wife and four kids. And I think it is!

The inspiration for this came from Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts. Thanks Amanda!!

Terry did the great long arm quilting for me. I love the texture it creates.

I didn't get a photo of the medium gray flannel I used for the backing. It's a heavy quilt!

I was afraid it was too big and too heavy. But Jared says he likes the "sharing size" of it, and he also loves the weight too.

Good thing, or I'd have to take the quilt back.

Make it a Wonderful Day!


  1. Oh, it's lovely! It's nice to have one blanket big enough for the whole family!

  2. I love the simplicity and warmth of this quilt. So sparkly!

  3. I am sick right now and am resting under it. We all love it!

    1. Kim, I'm sorry you're sick! It sounds like the whole family was hit-wish it could have skipped you. :(
      (I'm glad the quilt is offering a little comfort, which is just what homemade quilts are supposed to do!)
