A couple of old gals came to our quilt group today. (I can't believe I used the word "gals"….)
These were made for Helen by her mom a long time ago. Helen's been going through things and came across them, packed away and missing their outfits. I loved their sweet faces. Helen's going to make them some new cloths, probably Kaffe brights.
Helen also brought a fabulous quilt she's been working on, and one she may hand quilt.
And she made a block using some very small leftovers from a previous quilt. Hope she makes more of these!
Our group is trying a new project for quilts to donate. Each month is an assigned color. We'll see what we wind up with, but the plan is: Make a 12" block using any pattern and any combination of fabrics that read as the assigned color. So this month's color is green. Someone will take that month's blocks and sew them together, adding sashing or whatever they want to finish the sampler quilt top. We shall see… hopefully, this will work!!

We're also continuing to support American Hero Quilts. So each month, we'll also bring a red, white, and blue block.
Ardith's working on a Halloween quilt that started with the center and corner panels and she's added borders.
And Nan made not one but three baby quilts…
(These are a couple of matching burp cloths.)
And Nan made this challenging quilt. Lots of curved seems along with appliquéd circles too.
Jenny brought a 30's reproduction fabrics quilt with hand appliqués.
I didn't get a photo of Marsha's Aunt Gracie blocks- she donated a quilt and now is making another one to keep.
But I did get a photo of her daughter's clay bunny. M is grown now, but her bunny makes an appearance every spring. His ears are a bit shorter than they used to be, but I love him.
Thank you Marsha for the fabulous lunch and for hosting us today.
Make it a wonderful day!