Friday, October 16, 2009

Security Blanket

I've found another way you might share your talents and your blessings.

Margaret's Hope Chest

is collecting quilts to let those in need know

someone cares.

Their mission statement reads in part, "...hope to persons enduring hopeless situations... through the gift of a beautifully crafted quilt." This non-profit was born out of a very real tragedy, but they decided that faith and love in action would heal their hearts.

Right now, they're collecting 400 quilts to be distributed through the
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Public Schools Homeless Program.

Do you have a quilt or quilt top you could donate? I have a "Turning Twenty" top, backing, and binding ready to go. The deadline is November 15th.

Update: Mine's on it's way!


  1. This top looks fantastic-thanks for joining us as we serve these precious children! Also, thanks for spreading the word!
    Carin Vogelzang (from Margaret's Hope Chest)

  2. Yours is such a pretty quilt. I have their button on my blog. Such a great cause. I need to get working on mine to send, too. Thanks for letting us all know. Enjoy your day!!
