Thursday, February 25, 2010

More about Mono Prints

I thought I'd describe our process a bit more on the monoprints. A mono print is a single print. The image is reversed from your original. We did these on the same day as our crayon prints, but both types of prints required supervison, so it really helped that I had helpers!

I had a monoprint station set up with two picture frames, brayers, and ink. The helper put a very thin layer of ink on the glass, rolling to an area large enough to accommodate the image. (In our case a CD-sized circle).

The artists brought two paper circles to the station- one with the drawing, one plain.

The helper then placed the paper shield over the inked frame, and the artist positioned the plain circle in the hole. They placed their drawing on top of that to trace. (You don't need to press too hard, but lift the edge to check that the ink is being transferred.)

You can see we had different results- too much ink makes for a very dark print. So we had the best results with a thin layer of ink. The glass needed to be reinked and brayered between each print- or else you pick up some of the previous image. (Which can be interesting.)

We mounted these on 8x8 cardstock.
Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. You are the coolest! I love your printmaking lessons. I feel so lacking when I do printmaking. Your lessons seem very do-able and turn out gorgeous! jan
