Friday, June 17, 2011

Airport Art and a Blogger Fix

This is a reflector piece by Richard C. Elliot at the Seattle Tacoma Airport...

And on a different note, I've had trouble leaving comments on some today I researched it a bit...unchecking the "stay signed in" box seems to have fixed the problem! Have any of you had the same random problem? It was very frustrating to write a comment, only to be redirected back to signing in- an endless loop and no comment posted!

Make it a Wonderful Day!


  1. Hey Stephanie, I have not had this problem, but when I went to respond to your email about the problem, the email had disappeared!!!! What would we do without (and sometimes with) technology?! Have a great weekend! Where are you traveling to/from?

  2. Yes, I had this problem, so Frustrating! Had to search online for the answer, which is the one you mention. I came across your blog via your circle quilt tutorial - thanks for the instructions. from Jenny McH (Australia)
